Friday, May 29, 2015

Reflection and Conclusion

         In conclusion my drug phenobarbital, is used to help patients that suffer from convulsions. The drug is legal and is used in cases where there is no other option but this drug. The drug is not an over the counter drug, this means you cannot walk into a pharmacy and buy it. A certified doctor must provide a prescription before you can buy the drug. Phenobarbital like many drugs can and are often abused by a person who overdose or simply grow dependent of the drug. Slowly they consume more and more of the drug, they build up a tolerance and in order to feel the same effect they have to consume more of the drug. This behavior continues until the body can talk no more. It I easy to get addicted to the drug but it is not as easy to stop consuming the drug, it is a slow, long and painful process to leave the drug and the effects vary on a wide scale. Overall the drug is a good option, as long as all of the rules and indications are followed very close, everything in life has a good and bad side.
         This blog has been a good experience because I have gained knowledge about a drug I did not even know that existed. It is sad to know that there are people out there that suffer form convulsions and seizures. Everyone deserves a chance to live, which makes this drug good since it is the cheapest. Information on this drug however seemed to be limited in certain areas. One of these areas would be on the production area; the websites were not really specific on how to produce this drug nor where they specific on what the drug contain. I think this was done intentionally because some scientists and doctors don’t want people on the streets producing the drug since it is relatively cheap to produce. If people on the street were able to produce it on the street then they could misuse it, they may sell it and making prices higher, or there is the possibility that the drug is not regulated and therefore not safe.

-Alejandro Guzman

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