Friday, May 29, 2015


The drug Phenobarbital is the saving grace of those that suffer from brain disorders, epilepsy, and seizures. Phenobarbital serves as a central nervous system depressant and it's primary use as a sedative hypnotic. The drug serves as an anti-convulsant and brings relief to the patient in order for them to be able to sleep; for this fact it can be used short term to treat insomnia. The drug slows the brain and nervous system activity and is unfortunately very addicting. However, those taking the drug are introduced to the side effects and are benefiting from the drug. Also to say that it is not an over the counter drug and must be prescribed. In all, the drug has a lot of benefits that overrule the side effects. Phenobarbital is a great drug for those that need to relieve the pain that brain disorders, epilepsy, and seizures.
                                                                               - Celina Mora


This drug Phenobarbital is really great, in total honesty, because of the advantages the drug has. This blog was also a great experience. The drug is relief to those that suffer from these chronic diseases. The drug is a last resort when there is no other way out. I am glad there is something that can relieve the pain for those who must live with it day to day.
                                                                                 - Celina Mora

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